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As a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner that LOVES her clients, I’m in the kitchen for your healing journey!! With hundreds of clients completing my programs I certainly know the struggles of being on a restricted diet! Not just the food cravings and the struggle with social events. There is the emotional and psychological aspect of huge healings and lifestyle changes. 

As a result I’ve set out to give you recipes that can help you through the cravings, maintenance, and the social events without breaking protocol. This alone I know supports the emotional and psychological struggles with how to incorporate a new lifestyle inside the life you’ve been living for so long. 

The recipes on “The Fix” series are to support you long term! They can be used to assist you through the tough transition of a new way of eating. Similarly, they are to be used to replace some bad food choices with not just healthy but Healing choices long after the program is over. This Choco/Coco Pudding is what my kids know as pudding and I have no issues letting them have it whenever they ask. All recipes in this series are happy for the whole family (my son is 2 years old). 

Maintenance from any change is really the hardest. It’s really the make or break for all of your time and energy you’ve put into reaching the first goal. Above all, it’s the essential component. Finding ways to involve the family and make permanent changes that support your goals is the true key to success. 

This recipe can be done two ways. Option 1 is the “Healthy” way. It utilizes only ingredients that are allowed on the Freedom from Leaky Gut and Freedom from Candida along with Freedom from Inflammation protocols. This allows for a treat that is not going to stimulate and reaction within the body. This is essential for healing, any inflammatory or immune reaction within the body can stop the healing process. 

Option 2 is the “Healing” way of making the recipe. This approach to the recipe has all the nutrients necessary to stimulate repair. It contains all of the raw material the Gastrointestinal tract is requiring to speed the healing process. Therefore, this will be my recommended approach and the recipe that is utilized in my household more often. Not only does it not cause a reaction, has all the essential nutrients needed for GI integrity and repair, but also has essential components to maintain a strong healthy microbiome. 

***All Orthomolecular products are a physician grade supplement line. I only utilize the most pure and potent raw material that has research to back up claims. To gain personal access to these products click on their link and fill out the form.

Choco/Coco Pudding


3 TBS Shredded Coconut 
1 TBS Raw Cocoa
1/16th TSP Raw Stevia
Organic Hemp or Coconut milk

To stimulate and support the microbiome* especially to be used for Candida clients add: 

1 TBS Green Banana powder 
1 Scoop Orthobiotic powder (click the button below to fill out the form) 
1 TSP Diatomaceous Earth


4 TBS Shredded Coconut 
1 Scoop Chocolate Core support (click the button below to fill out the form) 
1 TBS Green Banana powder  
1 Scoop Orthobiotic powder (click the button below to fill out the form) 
¼ cup + 2 TBS Organic Hemp or Coconut milk 
1 TSP Diatomaceous Earth 

Add raw stevia to taste if desired.

You’re taking the first steps to results. Knowledge is power!

Note: We will be reaching out to you by email and text message to set up an appointment by phone call to complete this process of ordering your testing.

Fill out the Form and Receive a PERSONALIZED RECOMMENDATION and Access to Exclusive Physician Nutraceuticals

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