Why I incorporate gut repair supplements with my young kids…
As a nutrition therapy practitioner who specializes in gut health I just can’t help but to be aware of my children’s gut health at the fundamental ages they are at. My daughter is 5 and my son is 2 years old. I know that I’m setting up their immune system for the rest of their life. Sure things can happen later in life that throw the balance off such as traumas, car accidents, infections, to name a few. My goal is to make them as resilient as possible now to take off the burden, heaven forbid something happen in the future. I feel it very important to incorporate gut supporting supplements into my children’s routine. Let me explain deeper why I give my kids gut repair supplements at such a young age.
Factors that influence GI formation
Upon birth the GI tract goes from being sterile of bacteria to exposed to everything. Children’s microbiome has been shown to be different depending on multiple factors in early life. Some of those factors include:
- C-Section vs Vaginal Birth *Babies born vaginally were colonized predominantly by Lactobacillus, whereas cesarean delivery babies were colonized by a mixture of potentially pathogenic bacteria typically found on the skin and in hospitals, such as Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter *Resource
- Breast fed vs Bottle fed. *Resource
- Stressor during or immediately after birth *Resource
- Specific medication mom or baby had to take
- Antibiotic use *Resource
This bacterial coloniser-immune system link — together with other factors — could explain why cesarean section babies are statistically more prone to develop allergies, chronic inflammatory diseases and metabolic diseases. “It could be that the immune system of these children is set on a different path early on,” suggests Paul Wilmes. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181130094328.htm
Personal Experience
Just from my own experience I’ve noticed a huge difference in my children. My eating was solid during pregnancy. I have taken no medications and had a home birth for both. My daughter was exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. I then I made all of her baby food from fresh organic vegetables. I continued to breast feed her until she was two years old. Everything was great. To this day she loves vegetables, never gets sick, and sure likes sugar (what kid doesn’t) but does not’ crave it or ask for it.
My son had a different experience. I had a stressful pregnancy and within the first 5 weeks I had to start supplementing with formula. This was coupled with being in a super high stress situation and that dramatically slowed my milk production. I did do as much as possible and made sure he had breast milk daily up til 8 months but it was not exclusive. At 12 weeks I had to start traveling for work. The kids were left at a sitter instead of with their father and no one takes care of your children like you do. I was unable to make his baby food from scratch like I did with my daughter.
Fast forward 2 years. My daughter is solid. Never had any allergies or medical issues. She loves her vegetables and doesn’t care if she gets carbs (we do very little in our house and when we do it’s from resistant starches). My son on the other hand has dealt with allergies from young. He is much more prone to get sick. My son is also is very fond of carbs. He knows what a piece of bread is and will melt down for it. He doesn’t enjoy vegetables the way my daughter does and its a battle to eat the healthy food sometimes.
Evaluation in Kids Gut Repairing
My evaluation of this. The microbiome is made of all the bacteria established within the GI. It’s this bacteria that carries out crucial functions for the body. It’s worth the reminder that the bacteria are living organisms that need to be fed and have a system of their own. This system of survival is directly connected to every function of the body including the brain and food cravings. To me it makes sense that my son was inoculated with more of the unbeneficial bacteria. Where my daughter was set up with more beneficial bacteria. It’s was very obvious to me I had to focus on my kids gut repair already!!!
The majority of my clients that have GI issues, especially candida, expressed uncontrollable cravings for carbs and sugars. Also of these clients initially come to me for weight loss and as I complete the initial evaluation I realize there are GI impairments. Which is a direct effect to an unhealthy microbiome. I am then able to work backwards to the point of gastrointestinal changes or even back to childhood. I can tell if a client was one that was delivered c-section, suffered a lot of ear infections and was prescribed antibiotic when they were younger without even being told first.
Knowing this brought everything full circle. I work with majority of adults where we trace back beginning ailments and symptoms to infantry. I’m always looking to heal at the root cause meaning focus on kids gut repair as soon as possible. Even if it’s just for support like I do with my daughter that shows to have a very healthy GI system.
The beneficial bacteria within the GI directly impacts the immune system. It also directly effects the formation of multiple vitamins, enzymes, and proteins. All which is needed to keep the GI in optimal condition through life’s stressors. The GI is able to repair quickly and a balance is maintained.
The non beneficial bacteria presence means there is less of the beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacterial is crucial for carrying out the functions for immunity and repair. This leaves the GI more susceptible to invaders or stressors to leave the GI lining thin or even create holes (“leaky gut”). It’s a vicious cycle. Honestly for a mother of a 2 year old this is terrifying. A child’s GI tract and immunity is not fully established until about the age 3. Meaning this is the essential time to provide all the vital nutrients to set up a healthy GI and microbiome. It’s extremely hard to get all of the essential components through food for an adult, let alone a child. That’s why I give my kids gut repair supplements to support the process.
The Good News
Now for the good news! It’s never too late to repair your GI, to rebalance your immune system and get your system back on track. The body is AMAZING! It has multiple protocols and functions to heal itself. By giving the body the raw material it needs to counter act the stresses and to repair itself, one can reverse the degrading GI and restore it back to new. Better yet, you can stay a step ahead and prevent the microbiome from becoming unbalanced.
About 6 months ago I started incorporating gut repairing products. I created dishes that I make for the kids. Also developed dessert and snacks that are not only healthy but healing to the GI. It has made a huge difference in my sons cravings! And so far we are making it through cold season without a problem. He also had so allergy symptoms since the start of incorporating the supplements. Looking around at our societies way of living and diets is concerning. I would truly recommend incorporating the raw material for GI integrity daily.
What I do
I personally use a combination of powders because they are easy to hide in recipes I’ve created. I make sure that I am addresses all areas of concern from the GI lining, immunity and the microbiome. For the microbiome I utilize a probiotic that has specific strains to fight off unbeneficial bacteria and that has a multi strain beneficial bacteria for diversity. I support that with a natural prebiotic found in green banana. I address the GI integrity and immunity with a high protein meal replacement that has all vital nutrients. Product is called Core Support by Orthomolecular Products.
After years of working with gut health and seeing clients lives change from repairing their microbiome and GI tract; I feel it should be an area of focus for everyone. Especially the mamas with young children. I 100% believe be focusing on kids gut repairing with your children will set them up for a healthy life. It will be much easier on you and the children with benefits like; they are not sick all the time, don’t suffer from allergies, have lots of energy and are able to focus.
Prevention Focused
Through most of my practice, I work with treating illnesses. I do this through repairing parts of the body through diet, supplements, lifestyle changes etc.. and it works! However, prevention is key!!! Prevention can be as easy as incorporating new “repairing” recipes. These work by containing all the active ingredients for GI integrity and microbiome diversity. The body can keep up with healing itself when all the raw material is available to do so. Prevention in this case, seems to start with childhood. Kids’ gut repairing and support from prior to when the GI is even fully established at 3 years old. If the GI starts off compromised there becomes a vicious cycle with illness and inflammation and the deterioration continues. With deterioration comes multiple secondary symptoms and infections. Honestly, it can be very hard to get under control.
Think of gut health as the key to a vibrant healthy life. Put emphasis on GI repair with your children for yourself. See the difference in their eating habits, mood, Mental state, energy, and immunity.
To learn my protocol and recipes i use daily with my children use links below!